Who Can be a Sponsor?

You can sponsor if you are:

Permanent Resident, registered Indian or a Canadian citizen who is 18 years old or older can
sponsor their spouse or common law partner to become a permanent resident of Canada.

Your Obligations as a Sponsor:

When you sign a sponsorship you sign an undertaking, promising to give financial support for
the basic needs of the people being sponsored.

To Sponsor your suppose or common law partner or to gain more information Consult our experienced Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant.
Book an Appointment for Free Consultancy Session.

To provide basic needs (Food, Clothing, shelter, dental care, eye care and other needs for living)

By signing the undertaking you make sure that the person being sponsored do not seek assistance from Government of Canada

By signing this undertaking you become legally responsible for the person you sponsor for 3 or 10 years based on type of the family member. Check the details on the Length of Undertaking